✨✨Quick Read✨✨: Contemporary Model Compression on Large Language Models Inference

3 min read3 days ago

✨✨ #QuickRead tl;dr✨✨

✨✨ Research Overview:
This research focuses on model compression techniques aimed at improving the efficiency of large language models (LLMs) during inference. Research explores three primary model compression techniques: #quantization, #knowledge #distillation, and #pruning, and further discusses system-level optimizations like #PagedAttention and #StreamingLLM.

✨✨ #KeyContributions:
- #Quantization, advanced quantization techniques such as AWQ (Activation-Aware Quantization), which selectively reduces precision to optimize model storage and speed. Research introduces a new strategy for activation-aware parameter scaling to minimize quantization loss.

- #KnowledgeDistillation, enables a smaller model (student) to mimic a larger model (teacher). The novel contribution here is #ReverseKnowledgeDistillation, where the teacher evaluates the student’s output, leading to more efficient training compared to traditional methods.

- #Pruning, a focus on #LLMPrunner, a pruning technique that trims unnecessary connections between neurons to reduce model size while maintaining performance. The research emphasizes structural pruning to maintain dependency graphs between neurons, enabling efficient compression.

